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What can you take from this as Educators?

Make an effort to become aware of organizations you and your students can 

donate time and resources to within your community. Partner with community 

members; learn more about neighbourhoods, organizations, and volunteer 



Children can learn to be less wasteful by exposing them to hands on 

experience with handling and creating products from produce that is 

perceived as being damaged. 


Teach children how wasteful our society can be – Fruits of Sherbrooke and 

Project Fruit Stars both create delicious, nutritious and amazing products 

for Edmontonians by rescuing fruit and utilizing a sustainable attitude. 


Educate children, and seek opportunities to be educated by local community 

members who have knowledge and expertise with sustainable practices and 


Sustainability in Rescuing Fruit

Fruits of Sherbrooke and the branch of Project: Fruit Stars are excellent examples of a local community organization that promotes and advocates sustainability through their products.


The not-for-profit organization strives to use only local fruits grown and collected in Edmonton and area. These fruits are generally free from chemicals like pesticides and fertilizers. 


The fruit is “rescued” by volunteers, and is donated by neighbourhoods throughout the city. These fruits are donated because homeowners have too much produce, or deem the fruits to be unusable are unwanted. Vendors from British Columbia who have damaged produce donate some fruit, and the Organic Box in Edmonton also donates and stores excess fruits to be used by this organization. 


Project: Fruit Stars aims to rescue these wasted fruits, and return them to members of Edmonton communities. The organization creates volunteer opportunities for University of Alberta CSL students, work experience for young adults with special needs, community members, and anyone willing to helping out and learn about the organization and food security and preservation!

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